Thursday, April 16, 2009

Does pulling wisdom teeth hurt?

They%26#039;re going in to pull down a molar thats not coming in and they decided to add taking both of my upper wisdom teeth.

From people that have had them taken out - does it hurt? how much? does it hurt after?

:( ♥

Does pulling wisdom teeth hurt?
They took out both my bottom wisdom teeth. Well they numb your teeth with an injection. They then shaved part of my gums off then then pulled my teeth out. After that they sew it back... It doesn%26#039;t hurt when its numb but after that you gotta buy some pain reliever medicine or it%26#039;ll hurt when the doctor%26#039;s numbing medicine wares off.

So yeah it can hurt once the medicine is up to its limit thats why you take pain relievers. Also your cheeks get really huge and round and you can%26#039;t eat whatever you want. Yeah I know it sucks but it%26#039;ll only last up to a week.

Well good luck and hope it isn%26#039;t too bad. ;)
Reply:To be honest, it hurts a lot. But they give you medicine for the pain.
Reply:i had all 4 of mine taken out at once, they knock you out so while the surgery is going on you dont feel a thing! once you wake up your all loopy because they give you so many drugs but its awesome! i didnt feel a thing, i was just tired and groggy for a few days. they give you medicine to take if you start to feel some pain, which you probably will, but its nothing! i would totally do it again haha, those pills were DANK!
Reply:my sister had that done.

she said it didn%26#039;t hurt. she couldn%26#039;t talk for a whole day and she was very drowsy
Reply:it hurts when they pull them out but after a couple of hours it stops hurting then for two day it feel like you have a space
Reply:It%26#039;s not painless, but is not that bad. You have to keep the area clean with some warm salt water and do exactly as the dentist tells you. I had mine out with just novicane.
Reply:Having my wisdom teeth pulled was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. Make sure you have a supply of pain medication that causes drowsiness to get you through. Almost everyone has been through it, so you%26#039;ll be fine. I just had to be honest, though.
Reply:I dont know if pulling wisdom teeth hurt

but i got my back tooth pulled when i was 13 and it hurt pretty bad but thats cause they gave me anestetic it hurts for like 2 hors after
Reply:The pain after wards isnt neer as bad as the pain you will have if they start cutting throught the skin and giving you trouble! What they will do is give you laughing gas or give you medicine to put you to sleep for about two hours and then youll be done! Oh what you do is they dont really pull them they will cut them out! They will put cotton in the back of your mouth and you will change them out when they get to wet! They will also give you pain pills and the most pain you will feel is a little soreness in you gums and jaw! Dont worry about it, its a minor procedure! you will pretty much be completley healed in about a week! good luck and dont worry! ♥
Reply:No ok and im the BIGGEST whimp in the world.. i wouldnt even get out of the car when i was going to get my done.. but they put u out quick, u wake up and have pain medicine already ready for u... i had all 4 out and they were under the gum... it wasnt that bad.. just a tip LOTS OF ICING.... helps the swelling
Reply:lol well they drugged me pretty bad and when they took it out they showed me and I laughed. But i%26#039;m pretty out there with the laughing gas so it wasn%26#039;t that bad...hated the gauze all soggy...

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